

The curriculum is designed to strengthen fundamental algebraic skills and to increase mathematical confidence. It is intended for students with diagnosed math disabilities and students who have limited success in previous coursework. The course includes a standard class period plus a math lab, which meets every other week.


This course will eng年龄 students through a multi-sensory and multidimensional curriculum that will allow them to discover the fundamentals of algebra. Technology will be infused whenever appropriate. This course fulfills the Algebra 1 piece of the Math graduation requirement.


  • Demonstrate multiple ways to answer a question
  • Complete daily homework and keep a timeline for longer projects
  • Work with technology, including an online textbook
  • 使用应用程序来巩固现有的概念
  • Demonstrate problem-solving skills using a TI calculator


Due to the connection between math and science, the standard science sequence may be altered. This will be determined on an individual basis by the Heads of the 科学 and 数学 departments along with the Director of Studies. 然而, 虽然顺序可能不同, 所有的学生 enrolled in the Math Support 程序 (MSP) must still complete all 科学 graduation requirements.

Student accommodations for the Math Support 程序 include:

  • Extended time on summative and formative assessments
  • Multiple types of assessments, including verbal testing
  • Access to extended technology and related resources


    For some students, just one year of MSP is needed. 为他人, support is provided for all three levels of mathematics: Algebraic Concepts I, Geometric Concepts and Algebraic Concepts II, thus completing the graduation requirements. We offer Algebraic Concepts I every year and teach the Geometric or Algebraic Concepts II courses every other year.


    Student eligibility for this program will be determined by their application materials, 包括他们的标准化考试成绩, 以前的成绩和老师推荐信. 医生的评估或面谈. Jennifer Perez, our Director of MSP, can be scheduled. Please note: Due to the specialized instruction and extra support that students receive, 这个项目需要额外收费.